Setting up for success: Listening to the needs of children and educators

In 2018, Dr Monica Carr of Australia’s Monash University undertook research to find out whether the KneoWorld program would be of benefit to students who found learning difficult in mainstream education. 67% of the children sampled had been diagnosed with a variety of neurodivergent conditions such as Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder … Read more

Breaking down barriers: Making an equitable difference to your students

Equity in education is important to understand. This shift in pedagogy requires children, educators, and their families to work together to make sure no one gets left behind. It insists we change our way of thinking, value every child, and challenge social injustices. Traditional methods of learning are usually linear, aimed at filling children with … Read more

KneoWorld: An Advocate for Equity in Education

Have you seen this cartoon? When everyone is given the same task with the same resources and support, this is equality … not equity. To achieve equity in education, we must recognize the experiences and background of every student and use this information to build their educational experience. Affirmations of cultures, communities, and student identities Social … Read more

Educational Equity. Embedding It Into Your Teaching Practices.

A recent social media post highlighted the difference between equality and equity.  Imagine this scenario. Louis, a 5-year-old child goes to his teacher after falling over and asks for a band-aid for his scraped knee. No problem, all fixed. Sarah, another child in the same class, accidentally hurts her finger. The teacher offers her a band-aid for … Read more

Summer 2021-Enjoying the Learning: The Individual Play Plan

There is one question that is top-of-mind for teachers, parents/caregivers, and administrators: will students be successful the following school year?  This is not a new question, as it drives learning plans and activities throughout the year.  But what is uncommon is the year we just experienced. The markers that we usually have to help us answer the … Read more

The Pandemic Effect – What Can We Do For Ourselves So We Can Help Our Students?

The Pandemic Effect-What Can We Do For Ourselves So We Can Help Our Students?

The pandemic and its impacts-societal, familial, individual-will be studied for years to come. The pandemic is still with us as we move into summer and school year 21/22. Life continues to change, but in pockets. While we see positive signs, it is impossible not to feel some level of continued pandemic-related anxiety. Wide-spread media coverage, … Read more

Dr Monica Carr Research Scientist

Dr. Monica E. Carr

  • Research Fellow – The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  • Member Board of Directors – Genesis SPED Singapore
  • Consulting Editor – Preventing School Failure, Taylor & Francis


Monash University recently completed its pilot study using robust methodology based on the United States Department of Education research standards, What Works Clearinghouse (WWC).

Two questions were answered during this mixed methods research study:

  • What impact does KneoWorld have on students’ task engagement and behavior?
  • How do students and pedagogical experts rate the usefulness of KneoWorld?

The answers were significant and positive:

  • Students exhibited high and extremely high rates of time on task (engagement).
  • Students demonstrated highly appropriate social skills.
  • Students displayed highly appropriate behavior.
  • Experts confirm KneoWorld is beneficial in the classroom.

The study’s population consisted of students attending an alternate school. Most of these students were diagnosed with ADHD, ASD, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Students attend this school because they are precluded from participating in a mainstream classroom due to the severity of their behavior and/or social challenges.

Further, the study was done at the end of each school day when attention levels are at the lowest point. This demonstrates how highly effective KneoWorld is under the most challenging of conditions. Read the study in its entirety here.