Privacy Policy

Effective 1 December, 2023 (Last updated: January 18, 2021)

KneoWorld Inc. (“KneoWorld”) acknowledges the importance of privacy for its users and is committed to responsibly handling the personal information shared with us. This Privacy Policy outlines the methods we use to gather, utilize, and safeguard personal data collected via our digital services, websites, and software accessible through or linked with (collectively, the “Service”). The Service is offered through (i), and (ii) any other KneoWorld platform or online service linking to this Privacy Policy. The terms “You” and “Your” refer to visitors or users of our Service, whether registered or not. Your engagement with our Service implies your consent to this Policy.

Regarding Student Data: Our Service may be used by educational institutions such as schools, districts, or teachers (“Schools”) for educational purposes. When we enter into agreements with Schools to provide the Service, we may collect or access Student Data (as defined below), which could be supplied by the School or the student directly. We treat Student Data as highly confidential and use it solely for the purpose of enhancing and delivering our Services to the School or on its behalf. Our handling of Student Data complies with our contracts with Schools, as well as relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to FERPA, COPPA, and state laws like SOPIPA in the U.S. For inquiries about accessing, amending, or deleting a student’s personal information, please contact the respective School. Our approach to collecting, using, and disclosing Student Data is further detailed in this Privacy Policy.


Types of Information Collected by KneoWorld

KneoWorld gathers data through various aspects of the Service.

Data You Provide:

The personal information we collect depends on your type of account.

  • School Information: When a school representative creates an account or communicates with us, we collect personal details like name, email address, payment information, username, password, and School information.
  • Student Information: Schools may provide student-related information, such as names or identifiers, passwords, emails for students or their parents/guardians, and academic details. This is considered “Student Data.” Schools may opt for non-identifiable usernames or identifiers instead of full student names. Some Schools may use single-sign on (SSO) services for student access.
  • Parent and Child Information: When a parent or guardian registers or corresponds with us, we collect their personal details and information about their children authorized to use the Service, including child user profile names and avatars.
  • Learning and Activity Information: We gather data about your Service usage, including responses, posted content, and communication with KneoWorld. We may request personal information in other interactions, like technical support or surveys.

Automatic Information Collection:

Like most online services, we automatically gather usage data when you interact with our Service. This includes tracking technologies like cookies, web beacons, LSOs, log files, and others to collect details about Service access and usage, browser and device information, geographical data, and cross-device recognition. We may use third-party tools like Google Analytics for this purpose. Our response to Do Not Track signals from browsers is currently limited.

We use collected data to secure, improve, and personalize the Service, provide technical support, for marketing purposes, and to track usage. This includes:

  • Maintaining your sign-in status and remembering your preferences.
  • Customizing your experience based on account information, like preferred content and grade level settings.
  • Tracking website usage for optimization, improvement, sales, marketing, and billing purposes.
  • You can manage cookie settings in your browser but disabling them might affect Service functionality.

KneoWorld employs the collected information for several essential purposes

  • Service Delivery and Maintenance: We utilize your data to effectively provide and maintain our Service. This encompasses processing your payments, customizing learning curriculums, supplying schools, parents, and students with performance reports and usage data, addressing inquiries, and offering customer support.
  • Service Enhancement and Customization: We strategically use the information to adapt content for users, presenting personalized instructions and content. This approach also extends to personalizing your experience with the Service across various devices. By collecting and analyzing statistics, we gain insights into user interactions with our Service, which helps us in monitoring its effectiveness, identifying usage trends, and resolving technological issues. This data also supports our efforts in showcasing the Service’s effectiveness, conducting research, and fostering the development and improvement of our Service and other educational products.
  • Communication: We communicate with you using your information for transactional notifications related to your Service use. For instance, we send email alerts for completed activities, payment receipts, or subscription updates. Periodically, we may send promotional or informational emails to School or Parent users. However, we strictly refrain from using Student Data for marketing purposes, and we do not send marketing communications to student or child users. You have the option to opt-out of certain types of communications, except for essential service-related notifications.
  • Safety, Security, and Legal Compliance: We leverage information to bolster the safety and security of our Service, its users, and third parties. This includes user authentication, ensuring secure payment processes, fraud prevention, responding to legal requests or claims, and enforcing our terms and policies.

Information Sharing Practices of KneoWorld

  • Consent-Based Sharing: With consent or as instructed by Schools and Parents, we share information. For instance, a School or Parent might direct us to share specific information with another party, such as a teacher requesting communication with a parent. We may also share personal information with third parties under specific consents, such as enabling Google login for School user accounts.
  • Within School Sharing: Information collected from users within a School may be shared with other authorized School users, like teachers and administrators. Content shared within the school community, like classroom messages, is accessible to designated School personnel.
  • Vendors and Service Providers: We share information with trusted vendors and service providers who help us deliver and enhance our Service. This may include services like analytics, hosting, and billing, with the caveat that Student Data is not used for targeting advertising or marketing. These vendors and service providers are contractually obligated to adhere to privacy and confidentiality terms as stringent as ours.
  • Aggregated or Anonymized Data: We may share data in an aggregated or anonymized format that does not reasonably identify individuals. This could include disclosing user statistics for describing our Service to prospective partners and for other lawful purposes.
  • Merger or Sale: In events like mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales, personal information might be transferred or disclosed as part of the transaction. We endeavor to notify users before such transfers and ensure that the recipient adheres to comparable privacy protections, especially concerning Student Data. We provide Schools with the option to opt-out of Student Data transfers by terminating their accounts before such transfers.
  • Other Legal and Safety Reasons: We may release personal information if we believe it’s necessary for legal compliance, enforcing our Terms of Service, addressing fraud or security issues, protecting rights and safety, or as required by law.

Third-Party Tracking and Online Advertising

  • Targeted Advertising on the Service: KneoWorld does not engage in targeted advertising within our Service.
  • KneoWorld complies with Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA): According it verifies that:
    • is not using any data collected via its service to target ads.
    • is not creating advertising profiles on students.
    • is not selling student information.
    • won’t disclose information, unless required by law or as part of the maintenance and development of its service.
    • is using sound information-security practices, which often include encrypting data.
    • will delete data that it has collected from students in a school when the school or district requests it.
    • can share information only with educational researchers or with educational agencies performing a function for the school.
    • and will innovate safely without compromising student privacy by only using de-identified and aggregated data as it develops and improves its service.

Email Communication Control

  • Receiving Emails: From time to time, KneoWorld may send emails about our products or services, or regarding your usage of our products and services. These emails are sent by KneoWorld only to educators and administrators.
  • Opting Out: You can choose not to receive marketing emails by using the unsubscribe link in the emails or by contacting us directly. Note, however, that you cannot opt out of non-promotional messages related to your account, like account verification or technical notices.

Managing Your Personal Information

  • Accessing and Updating Information: You can review and update your account information at any time by signing into your account and navigating to the appropriate settings.
  • Request for Deletion: If you are a parent or guardian of a student using our Service through a School, please direct re
  • quests about accessing, modifying, or deleting your student’s user account or Student Data to the School. For other requests about your personal information, contact us at our provided email. We may be limited in our ability to fulfill certain requests, particularly those related to School accounts.

Data Retention Policy

  • Retention Duration: We retain personal information as long as necessary to provide our Service and for internal business purposes, which may extend beyond the termination of your subscription or account.
  • Student Data: We do not keep Student Data beyond what is needed for educational purposes unless authorized by a School or parent. The school is responsible for managing student data, and we will delete or anonymize personal information of student and child users as directed by the School or under our standard data retention schedule.

We may not be able to delete all data immediately or completely, such as data retained for technical support or business records. Data that has been de-identified or disconnected from personal identifiers will be retained in a manner that it cannot be reasonably used to identify an individual.

Information Security Measures

  • Safeguarding Your Personal Information: Protecting your personal data is paramount to us. We have implemented diverse physical, administrative, and technological measures to maintain the integrity and security of the personal information we collect. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access to data and include thorough internal reviews of our data collection, storage, and processing practices, as well as robust security measures and physical safeguards for our data storage systems.
  • Limited Access to Information: Access to personal information is strictly limited to KneoWorld employees, contractors, and agents who require it to perform their job functions. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may face disciplinary measures, including termination, for failing to meet these obligations.
  • User Cooperation in Security: We emphasize the importance of your involvement in maintaining the security of your information. We advise you to always log out of your accounts before closing your browser, especially when using shared or public computers. We also caution against using the ‘Remember Me’ feature on shared devices.
  • Password Security: Keeping your password secure is essential. If you forget your password, you can request a new one temporary password to enable the user to create a private personal password, which will be sent to the email address associated with your account. For any sign-in issues, our technical support team is ready to assist.
  • Reporting Security Concerns: If you have concerns about the security of your account or our Service, please report them to us immediately. We take all security concerns seriously and will investigate to resolve your concerns.

Data Storage and Transfer

  • Location of Data Processing: KneoWorld operates primarily in the United States. Therefore, personal information collected through our Website and Service may be stored and processed in the United States or in any other country where we or our service providers have facilities.

Region-Specific Disclosures

  • Notice for New York: KneoWorld complies with New York State and City Department of Education Data and Systems and Privacy including but not limited to:
      • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
      • New York Education Law § 3012-c (10).
      • New York State Education Law § 2-d.
      • DOITT Citywide Information Security Policies & DOE Information Security Requirements.
      • DOE Chancellor’s Regulation A-820.
      • New York State Education Department Records Retention and Disposition Schedule ED-1.
  • Notice for Florida: KneoWorld complies with Florida SB 662, the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA) to protect student data by barring websites and apps used by schools from selling data for targeted ads.
  • Notice for EEA: For residents of the European Economic Area, the General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR) provides specific rights regarding personal information. This includes rights to access, rectify, erase, restrict, and object to the processing of personal data. KneoWorld processes data based on various legal grounds, such as contractual necessity, consent, and legitimate interests. For GDPR-related inquiries or complaints, please contact us using the provided contact information.
    Your privacy and the security of your information are of utmost importance to KneoWorld, and we are committed to implementing effective measures and complying with regional laws to protect it.

At KneoWorld, we prioritize the privacy of children using our platform. Here’s our approach

Children’s Privacy Protection

  • Account Creation Restrictions: Student accounts can only be created via contracted educational institutions such as schools, districts, or teachers (“Schools”) for educational purposes.
  • Use in Educational Settings: In cases where KneoWorld is used in schools, the educational institution may provide consent for children under 13 to use our Service. This usage is governed by our agreements with the schools and aligns with legal requirements, ensuring the protection of Student Data.

Protection of Student Data and Compliance with Laws

  • Regulatory Compliance: Our handling of Student Data is in accordance with our Terms of Service, agreements with educational institutions, and relevant laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  • Student Privacy Pledge: KneoWorld adheres to the Student Privacy Pledge, ensuring we do not misuse Student Data. This includes commitments not to sell Student Data, not to use data for targeted advertising, and to maintain strict data security measures.
  • Collaboration with Educational Institutions: We work closely with schools to safeguard personal information from students’ educational records under FERPA and ensure that any collection of personal information from children under 13 for educational purposes is appropriately authorized under COPPA. Further KneoWorld verifies it is SOPIPA compliant.
  • Commitment to Data Security: We follow comprehensive data security protocols to protect Student Data, including transparent disclosure of our data practices and prompt response to any unauthorized disclosure incidents.

General Practices and Updates

    • External Links: Our Service does not contain links to third-party websites.
    • Policy Updates: KneoWorld reserves the right to modify this policy. Any substantial changes will be communicated through appropriate channels. Continued use of our Service after updates implies acceptance of the new terms.

For any queries not addressed in this privacy policy, or for more information, users are encouraged to contact our technical support team.

Support Team:
1412 Broadway, 21st Floor,
New York NY 10018
+1 800 213 7456