Considering Home-Schooling? How to Make it Work for You and Your Family.

According to the United States Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, at least 3.3 million American families have chosen to exclusively home-school their children. Whether by choice or due to living in remote areas, these families and others around the world, are teaching their children in the comfort of their own home.
During the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns schools were closed. No face-to-face classes were being taught in favor of remote learning. Teachers had to replan to accommodate this with online classrooms. Families stepped in to lead their child’s learning, while also managing their own work, lives, other children, and running a home.
Discussions between parents found that learning from home felt like a chore with children unwilling to complete tasks. Other families thrived during homeschooling , with remote learning offering the opportunity to reconnect and learn at a different pace.
Those who choose to regularly home-school know that learning is not just about what is taught in the classroom. They take additional theories of learning and apply them to the everyday. Their education takes a more hands-on approach and there is an opportunity to link up with other parents doing the same thing.
And so, some families are making the decision to homeschool on a permanent basis.

Here at KneoWorld we know a thing or two about home learning; so, we have compiled a list of considerations for how to make homeschooling work for your family.
Home Learning is Multifaceted

Learning from home comes in many shapes and sizes and differs from family to family. It may involve some formal learning, combined with some more organic and experiential discovery.
Be prepared to provide a range of balanced activities, including online and offline experiences, including playing in the great outdoors.

Home learning is not to be confused with distance learning where you oversee tasks determined by a school. Home learning allows you to create your own curriculum based on what and how you want to teach.
Make Connections
There is no need to homeschool in isolation and supporting your child’s social and emotional wellbeing is just as important as academic learning. Parents’ groups not only provide a support network, but also set up joint experiences, play times and excursions.


Individual Learning Experiences
As a parent, you know your child best and the ways in which they thrive. Offering choices on what they want to learn, achieve, and do supports their emerging autonomy; while having academic flexibility ensures you are able to make time for the “extra” activities such as life and vocational skills, versus a more traditional learning style.
This style of adaptable education makes it easy to balance family life and work.



Programs and Resources
Having access to materials designed for home learning enriches you and your child’s overall experience. Those that are pedagogically focused enable you to implement appropriate educational strategies to maximize your child’s learning.


KneoWorld is a structured, story-based learning program for all primary aged children regardless of level or ability. The content is engaging and supports all areas of development from social and emotional wellbeing to cognitive growth and beyond.

Key features include,
· Encourages innovative thinking through evidence, research-based and responsive activities.

· Engaging lesson plans and resources based on grade level-aligned to promote skill building, critical thinking, and creativity.

· Check in on your child’s progress through real-time analytics.

· No preparation required, simply log in and participate.

Take a look at why our approach to home education works here.

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